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2024 Kid's Boards Collection

For this week’s board collection, we’re focusing on boards for the smallest riders on the boat. A part of our Performance Skim Line, these boards are sure to get your groms stoked on riding because they’re designed to make learning easy and fun. Comprised of the Shrimp, Scamp, Fish, and Avenger (48” size), this line up of boards can accommodate a range of smaller riders to ensure that everyone has the best time on the water. If you’re struggling with your grom to learn behind the boat, make sure to check out these boards and our little cheat sheet of tips to help your kids have fun on the water! 

Tips For Younger Riders

PATIENCE – This might sound a little obvious but one of the biggest killers of fun is the lack of patience. Think back to when you were learning how to surf. There are so many factors that go into it and the more frustrated you get with your little one, the quicker that they’ll give up on it. So the next time you’re trying to teach your kids, just make sure to have plenty of patience with them and keep fun the number one priority!

THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT – When you’re out on the water, nothing can ruin the good times quicker than not having the right equipment. Whether a board is too big or too small for a certain rider, not having the right size can make riding very difficult which leads to losing interest in it all together! So as your groms grow, make sure you have the right size board to make surfing fun!

KEEP IT FUN – This should go without saying but when you’re out on the water, you should always strive to keep it FUN! Whether that’s coming up with games to play while riding, trying new tricks, riding doubles, or whatever else, always keep the fun flowing.

Our smallest board in the Phase 5 line up, the Shrimp is just what your little shredder needs to start his or her surf journey. The Shrimp is lightweight so it can be easily handled in the water and with its thin core, it flips up to the rider’s feet with little to no effort when learning how to get up. Coming in at 40”, the Shrimp can handle a range of riders with a weight limit of 100 lbs. This skim design comes equipped with a 2” skim fin to provide plenty of grip so the rider can focus on the basics of surfing and dropping the rope for the first time. The Shrimp is your kid’s ticket to good times on the boat! Pick one up HERE!

The Scamp is the next step up from the Shrimp. At 45” and with a weight limit of 120 lb, the Scamp can accommodate an even wider range of riders. The Scamp also steps it up with a tri-fin set up so the rider can really start to dial in his or her riding as they master the basics of surfing. The tri-fin set up also provides plenty of drive in the wave so your grom can concentrate more on carving the wave than pumping to stay in the wave. When you’re that young, it’s all about keeping it fun! With the same basic shape as the Shrimp, the Scamp’s classic skim outline provides plenty of float on the water while also being nice and nimble for plenty of good times on the water. Ridden by kids of team rider’s like Stacia Bank, the Scamp is just what you want in those early stages of learning! Pick one up HERE!

As we move onto the Fish, the needle on the progression meter begins to spike. Meaning, the Fish is a fun, different shape that is meant for young riders with some experience who are looking to take their surfing to the next level. The wide outline provides plenty of float and a solid, playful platform to progress on. Its “fish” tail design keeps turns snappy and the two 2” skim fins provide enough grip but can still get loose when the rider wants it. This shape holds plenty of speed in the wave and provides a lot of pop off the top of the wave for airs. This surf-inspired shape is made for good times and can provide them with ease! Pick one up HERE!


AVENGER (48" size)

The ultimate grom board, the Avenger is built for progression. The Avenger is based off of our most popular skim design in a more affordable package. The Avenger was one of the first boards ridden by many of our current Phase 5 team riders so the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Made to dial in your first 360 or get your 3 shuv on lock, the Avenger will get you to your next trick goal. It comes with our standard removable 2” skim fin to give you plenty of stability but when you’re nice and comfortable, make sure to pull it off to get that true skim feel. It’s covered by a full deck EVA traction pad so you’re always in control, no matter where you land on the board. If you’re ready to step your riding up, the Avenger is for you. Pick one up HERE!

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