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Contest Recap (May)

The 2019 competitive season started out strong for the P5 team and the season is just about to ramp up. There were a few events in the month of May to get the riders feet wet and get ready for the big swing in the summer months. Lets dive in to some results!

PWT- Katy, Texas

The 1st stop of the Pro Wakesurf Tour went down in Katy, Texas. This is a very important event for hopeful qualifiers as the rest of the stops only allow the top 6 competitors compete. The P5 team held down the top spots on the podium!

1st Place- Sean Silveira

2nd Place- Parker Payne

3rd Place- John Akerman

Photo: Mark Payne

Parker Payne throwing down on his P5 Phantom

Photo: Mark Payne

Parker Payne switching it up on his Matrix


The first Platinum level CWSA event went on at Lake Biwa, Japan. There was a strong presence of International riders that attended and we heard nothing but great news from the event. The P5 team had a very strong showing once again with Sean Silveira taking his 2nd victory in a row and Caro Villeneuve taking the top spot in Women's Pro. Markus Lahmer also had a very strong showing with a 3rd Place finish.

1st Place- Sean Silveira

2nd Place- Keenan Flegel

3rd Place- Markus Lahmer

Caro Villeneuve taking the top spot!

Nothing but love for the local crew!

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