Caro has been one of the biggest players in pushing wakesurfing to where it is now. She helped develop the world ranking system, she has taught well over 1000 people to wakesurf and she was named the CWSA Legend Award winner for 2020. Caro has been all over the world and been on every podium possible. Always happy and always eager to keep learning, we reached out to her to see how her Canadian winter is going.
P5: First off Happy New Year. How is life treating you?
CV: Life is good but definitely very different for me. It is the very first time that I do have work for the winter, but I am trying to stay busy, active and healthy!
P5:With Covid-19 a hot topic topic, What were your thoughts on the 2020 contest season?
CV: I think we were lucky to have some online contests. There are a lot of sports that just cancelled their competitions. I definitely prefer live events but this was a great alternative, considering the circumstances.
P5:What does a day in the life of you look like right now?
CV:I am cooking a lot more than I used to, including trying new recipes! I try to stay active by going riding at the local ski hill and snowmobiling. I’ve also just started to learn how to play drums. I am still very beginner, but I am having a lot of fun learning it! It’s never too late to learn new skills!
P5:How long have you been riding for Phase 5? What does it mean to you to ride for P5?
CV:I have been riding with the Phase 5 team for 2 years and it is the best thing that happened to me in my wakesurfing career. Not only my sponsors are awesome, but I get to train with some of the best wakesurfers on the planet! I couldn’t ask for a better team!
P5:What are the big plans for the winter?
CV:No big plans really... but hoping to get out on my snowmobile as much as can, while staying safe, of course!
P5: With you being a Pro rider for P5 what are your thoughts on the other riders on the team? Also what are your thoughts on the young up and coming riders on the team?
CV:This team is absolutely amazing! I’ve always looked up to guys like Sean Silveira, Stacia Bank, Drew Danielo and John Akerman (just to name a few), and I am absolutely amazed by the young ladies like Whitley Stewart and Ashley Inloes who have improved so much and so quickly!
P5:What are your thoughts on competition riding vs free riding? What are you contest plans for 2021
CV: I haven’t really made plans for the 2021 season yet. I am hoping that the Covid situation gets better and that I can start to travel again. It has been really hard for this old Canadian to keep up without extending my season with extra training down south.
P5:What board and size are you riding? What was it about this board that helped you decide it was the one?
CV:I am riding the Key 46, Sean Silveira pro model.... and I absolutely love it! This board shuvs so nicely and generates a lot of speed! It was a no brainer for me.
P5:What or who influences your riding and style?
CV: It is quite hard to narrow it down but here’s some of my biggest influence: first, Dominic Lagacé inspired me to pursue wakesurfing as an athlete and influenced me with his incredible variety and style. Then Chase Hazen had the best style I’ve seen over the years and I always looked up to him. Stacia Bank always had amazing switch riding and huge airs, which makes it so fun to watch. Then I’ve had the chance to ride a lot with Jodi Grassman and Keenan Flegel who have always been pushing me. And I’ve definitely been influenced by Sean Silveira, who brought variety to a brand new level! And then there’s guys like Drew Danielo, Sean Cummings, the Swanson’s brothers, John Akerman and many more who all contributed to push the sport and inspired me over the years.
P5: If you could add one skill to your wakesurfing talent what would it be?
CV: If I could get more consistent on some of the harder tricks.... that’d be great! Lol... I am not the quickest learner but I try really hard and I surely love doing it!
P5:Favorite professional Athlete?
CV: Dominic Lagacé!
P5:If you are not wakesurfing, what are you doing?
CV:If it’s warm out.... I’m wakesurfing and coaching. But since I live in Canada, when I’m not wakesurfing You’ll most likely find me riding on the hill or on my snowmobile! Winter is great too!

I wanna take the time to thank ALL of my sponsors who have been supporting me for all those years. I truly would not be where I am today without their love and support! Huge thanks to Phase 5 who believed in me enough to add me to their awesome team of athletes.... (even though I am a bit old for the sport now.... lol). I have been with Centurion Boats and Absolut Watersports for a decade now and they have been so good to me, I can’t thank them enough! Also thanks to WakeBallast, BbTalkin USA, Wake Canada, H2O School, Commit Snow & Skate, Shushwap Ski & Boards, and of course my lovely parents who have always been there for me and pushed me in the right direction!

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