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The 2023 Fireball

In wake surfing these days, a lot of riders like to pick one style board and stick with it through thick and thin. Now that might work for some but not all, that’s why we created the Fireball. This 2-for-1 style board is unique because it’s built like a surf style board but designed off of one of our more popular skim style boards: the Matrix. This means that the outline to the Fireball is just like the Matrix but built on our buoyant surf style EPS foam core. The FCS fin boxes make it easy to go from skim to surf style on the go so depending on your mood, ride finless or with our DT 1.5” skim fin in the center for that skim feel or pop in the 3.7” Surf Twin fins for surf style and slaysh the day away! You really can’t go wrong however you ride it!

Something else that makes the Fireball special is unlike our other surf style boards, the Fireball has reduced volume and rocker to help accommodate both surf and skim styles. It really is an all-in-one board that can satisfy any rider’s cravings. If you’re the kind of rider who just can’t decide between the two, don’t worry about it, jump on a Fireball and shred the way you want to shred!


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