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The 2023 Matrix Pro

The Matrix Pro is Parker Payne’s go-to skim style board. Why, you ask? Because it has everything he’s looking for in a board. It’s easy to control, it has tons of pop, it’s symmetrical outline makes riding revert just like riding regular, and more! It also comes with a thinner core and boxy rails to get the most amount of pop out of the board. We caught up with Parker to pick his brain about what he likes about his Matrix Pro and where the inspiration for his signature graphic came from. Check it out below and then pick up a Matrix Pro HERE!

PHASE 5: What are some of your favorite things about the Matrix?
Parker: The Matrix is a classic skimboard shape! One of my favorite features is the pin shape tail that provides maximum pop and control. The Matrix Pro really is a board that you can’t go wrong with!

PHASE 5: Is there any significance behind the graphic?
Parker: The Mexican sugar skull is something I have always loved! It was so different and edgy compared to anything else in the lineup. We also added lots of small features in the graphic that show parts of my life as well. I think the graphic perfectly represents me!

PHASE 5: When you’re about to ride, how do you decide if it’s a Matrix Pro or Phantom day?
Parker:That’s the hardest decision I have to make on a daily basis! Haha, I usually will go in phases and switch it up every week. I will ride my Phantom for a week then will have a new trick idea for the skim so I’ll switch to the Matrix. Conditions and wind are also a very big factor for that decision.

PHASE 5: What kind of rider would benefit from the Matrix Pro?
Parker:The Matrix Pro is a great option for a rider who is ready to upgrade to a high performance board.  Additionally, those looking to finally land that 360 will love the Matrix’s ability to spin and recover. I see so many families that all share the same board and it can limit a rider's ability to progress. Finally taking that next big step in getting a P5 can make all the difference!

PHASE 5: What are some tricks you’re trying to put down on the Matrix Pro before the end of the season?
Parker:After recently landing the kickflip on the Phantom, I have been working on a backside flip on the Matrix Pro. This is essentially a backside 180 with a kickflip. I really have been trying to raise the bar when it comes to flip tricks in wakesurfing and I think this is the next step in doing so!

PHASE 5: Do you ride with the fin or finless?
Parker:Finless all the way! Some may think I’m crazy to ride a board finless but I always described it as just like riding a snowboard. When riding finless, you learn to use the edges of the board to steer and gain control just like a snowboard.


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