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Demo Days at Race City Marine with Drew Danielo

Words / Photos: Drew Danielo

A few weeks back Matt Reed, pro shop manager of Race City Marine reached out to me about coming up to Mooresville, NC and doing a Phase 5 demo with them. After checking my schedule, there was one weekend not currently occupied with my son’s baseball schedule so I made sure it was a go.

Race City Marine is owned by Lynette and Matt Santomenna. With a small bag of tools and prayers, they have grown their dealership from a small one bay shop to their brand new 17,000 square foot dealership. Matt and Lynette are dedicated and love what they do. It shows in the way they treat their customers, their long time employees and their faith.

I flew in on Friday and by 2pm I was standing on the dock with our first family of riders to take out. As we pulled away from the dock in a 2024 Nautique G25, the tone was set for the next 2 days. A lot of great families, friends and customers of Race City Marine. We had a quiver of Phase 5 boards and a lot of excited riders. The makings for a solid weekend!

We accomplished everything from first time rope droppers to working on the elusive 360. We were also able to get a lot of riders on the correct size board and they were able to ride other boards they wanted to try. I always enjoy time on the boat with customers and seeing the smile on their faces when you get them going on the correct board.

If you are anywhere near Mooresville and looking for a new Phase 5, be sure to stop in to Race City Marine and talk with their head pro shop guy, Matt Reed. They will soon have demo boards and Matt will be able to get you dialed in on the right Phase 5.

Thank You Race City Marine for the hospitality and I look forward to coming back soon.


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