At Phase 5 a lot of people are familiar with our stacked team of Pro riders. However we are equally stacked up and coming amateur riders that you may not know. We actually have a really legit " Grom Squad" riding Phase 5. We will introduce you to them over the next few months. We are going to start with the 2020 Amateur Mens skim World Champ, Reed Cole-Tucker.
P5: First off Happy New Year. How is life treating you?
RCT: I Had a good Christmas but really miss wakesurfing!!
P5: As a young rider eager to compete, What were your thoughts on the 2020 season with the Covid 19 situation?
RCT:I really hope we can return to live events for 2021. The online events were good, but I really miss seeing all of my wakesurfing friends. That's the best part about competing.
P5: What does a day in the life of you look like right now?
RCT: I live in New Hampshire, so it's really cold!!! My days right now are mostly snowboarding at Ragged Mountain with friends and snowmobiling with my family. I also train at Surfs Up in Nashua New Hampshire 2 days a week. They have a Surf Stream Indoor Surf Wave!
P5: How long have you been riding for Phase 5? What does it mean to you to ride for P5?
RCT: 2021 will be my 2nd official season riding for phase 5, but I have rode a P5 board since I started wakesurfing in 2017. When I found out that I was going to be a member of the phase 5 team, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. I have tried lots of other boards, and nothing even comes close to P5. But most importantly, I love the P5 team! The pro riders are so amazing and I have learned so much from them! And I have so much fun with the other groms On the team! Cannot wait to grow up and keep competing with these guys!
P5: What are the big plans for the winter?
RCT: My family is taking a snowmobile trip to northern New Hampshire near the Canadian border in February. We are also going to head to Florida to meet up with Whitley Stewart and hopefully Drew for some off-season training!
P5: So we have slowly built this Grom Squad of rippers with Phase 5. What do you think of your teammates in the Grom Squad ( Afton, Dagan, Ryder, Reed etc)? How do you like being on a team with some of the best pro riders? Should they start getting nervous that Grom Squad is coming for them?
RCT: Honestly, I love how stacked our team is! These guys are going to continue to push me to practice and keep trying new tricks just so that I can hopefully keep up with them! We are all competitors, but we also cheer each other on and are so stoked when someone hits a big trick for the first time or has an amazing comp run! Young skim riders on our team like me, Afton, and Dagan get to learn from the best pros like Sean, John and Nick. This is what makes this team so strong!
P5: What are your thoughts on competition riding vs free riding?
RCT: I definitely like both. The week before a competition my dad and I go out twice a day and run through my competition line over and over again. We time it and run through situations, like what will happen if I fall on a certain trick, and what will be the order of tricks. This is fine, but I’m always super pumped to come home from a comp and get to free ride, especially when I have friends out with us. I love hanging out with friends on the boat and surfing doubles.
P5: If you are not wakesurfing, what are you doing?
RCT: Snowboarding, snowmobiling, hanging out with family and friends, indoor surfing, playing video games with friends, and of course school (7th grade)
P5: Ok, Rapid Fire Round:

Huge thank you to Phase 5 and Centurion Boats!! Also Smith Optics, and Live Wicked!!
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