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INTERVIEW | 2024 Season Recap with Whitley Stewart

In 2024, it seemed like no matter where you turned, Whitley Stewart was standing on the top spot of a podium. One of the most technical riders out there, Whitley traveled around all season long shredding and sharing the stoke with tons of different riders. Not only that, she had a pro model release at the end of the season (the Stewart Pro) which really cemented her top status. We caught up with Whitley to chat about the season, her new board, and what the future holds for her. Check it out now below!

PHASE 5: Whitley, 2024 was huge for you! What was your favorite part?

Whitley: Wow! 2024 was such an incredible year. I think my favorite part was traveling to Hong Kong with some other team mates. It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to travel more next year.

PHASE 5: How many contests did you enter and how many wins did you come away with?

Whitley: I entered eight competitions and won 7/8.

PHASE 5: That’s a pretty solid average! What was the most meaningful win to you in 2024?

Whitley: I think the most meaningful win to me this year was either Worlds or the IWWF Hong Kong event. Both of these were goals of mine to win and it felt so great to keep the World Champion title and to gain a new title overseas.

PHASE 5: Looking ahead to 2025, what are some of your goals?

Whitley: I have so many goals for this season. I’ll share a few… I would love to have an undefeated season, land a 7 big, and try to work on my pre-comp nerves. I think that it is so easy to get super nervous before a competition even though it’s completely normal, I want to work on it so I perform better and can keep my focus on my run and not on how nervous I am feeling. 

PHASE 5: Was there anything about 2024 that you weren’t stoked about or that you’d want to change now that you’re looking back?

Whitley: I think that there is always something that can be improved. I would love to say that I am always happy with my performance at competitions, but that’s just not the case every time. I was really wanting to go undefeated this season, but I got second at the first comp of the 2024 season which was upsetting. I’m hoping that 2025 is my year to go undefeated.

PHASE 5: You got to travel a good bit with some of the Phase 5 team. Who is your favorite person or group to travel with? Any good stories about them you want to share?

Whitley: Yes! We had so much fun! I love traveling with Jett and Sean. While we were in Hong Kong, we were invited to go on a yacht and give lessons. The owner had a private chef and said he would make any meal we wanted. Since we were missing food back home, he made us all of our favorites…fried chicken, wings, pizza, French fries, salmon, and more. 

PHASE 5: That’s insane! How was your experience over in Hong Kong otherwise? Have you ever traveled internationally before?

Whitley: Hong Kong was amazing! I have traveled internationally, but this was my first time in Asia. I was thinking that the language barrier would be difficult, but I actually had no problem communicating because so many speak English there. We were able to explore the different islands and see what Asian culture is like. I truly think that you can learn so much more traveling than what they can teach you at school about other countries.

PHASE 5: We dropped your pro model, the Stewart Pro, for the 2025 season. Give us some insight on how that came together!

Whitley:Yes! This is so exciting! So I had been working with P5 to create a new pro model. I had tried out so many different prototypes and board shapes, but none were better than the Key. I thought to myself, “Why release a board when I don’t truly believe that it is better than what I am already riding?” That’s when Sean and I started talking about doing the Stewart Pro. We thought it would be smart to incorporate smaller sizes for those young groms or small riders who are absolutely killing it and need a board that can perform well for them. If you haven’t already tried it, definitely go check out the Stewart Pro!

PHASE 5: You definitely deserve it! Congrats again. What are some tricks you’re trying to stomp on it in 2025?

Whitley: Thank you! I’ve been working on a 7 big, so I would love to be able to stomp that soon. 

PHASE 5: Thanks for chatting with us, Whitley! We’re stoked to see what you do in 2025. Is there anyone you’d like to thank?

Whitley: I always enjoy it! I’d like to give a special shoutout to my parents for all they do for me and for allowing us to travel as much as we do. There is nothing better than getting to travel the world with the people that you love. I’d also like to thank my sponsors… Centurion and Phase Five. I couldn’t do what I do without you guys. And one last shoutout goes to my boyfriend for supporting me and being the best boat driver while I’ve been at school.

Pick up Whitley's pro model board -- the Stewart Pro -- HERE!


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