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Welcome to the Team: Caitlin Wheeler

We are excited to welcome Caitlin Wheeler to the Phase 5 team. She will be the first P5 team rider in Idaho and we are stoked to have her representing P5 out West. Caitlin has been competing for about 5 years and has progressed all the way up to the Pro division. With a fun smooth style and the ability to link tricks together, we are excited to see what the future holds for her. 

Caitlin and her husband Adam run a surf school called "Surfs up, North Idaho". Please check their wake school out if you are looking for lessons and want to try a P5 board! 

With that being said, lets jump into a Q&A with Caitlin Wheeler!

Where are you from: Born and Raised in San Jose, CA and currently living in Coeur d’Alene Idaho

Home Lake: Hayden Lake  

Current Sponsors: Phase5, Centurion Boats, Stancraft Marine Center,  Agenda Traction, Defiant Coffee

What Board are you riding? 46” Key

Why Wakesurfing: I always loved the water as a kid! I grew up swimming and body surfing. I ocean surfed a little in college, but never really got past the long board to a short board. I really enjoyed just riding the longboard into the shoreline. When I met my husband in grad school at CSULB, he introduced me to wake surfing. Once I learned how to catch the wave, I instantly fell in love with the sport. From there (once we graduated and move to CDA, ID), we got our own boat and couldn’t stop surfing.  I love wake surfing because there is no age limit and if you have the determination, you can always progress in the sport. There is nothing like the feeling of landing a trick for the first time!

Most Prized Possession: My dogs, Gunner and Riley. They are the best!

Favorite Athlete: I’ve always found Shaq to be very entertaining! Kelly Slater. Wakesurfers I find amazing to watch are Sean Silveira, the Swanson Brothers, and Tyler Stewart. Also, all the female riders on the Phase 5 team are amazing and it always great to watch them shred!

Favorite Music: Early 2000s party music! Like Pitbull, Flo Rida, etc. It helps me get energized!

Any other Careers? Yes, Physical therapy. Work in our local school district with children with Special Needs. I provide physical therapy to the kiddos to help develop their gross motor skills, such as walking, going up and down stairs, riding a tricycle, climbing on playground equipment, playing catch, etc

What do you do in your off season? We go to our local flowrider and occasionally snowboard. Also I try to get to the gym as much as possible in the winter. Sometimes we will get the mountain bikes out as well. 

Tips to a rider who just bought there first Phase 5? Go out and have fun. Also it is okay to crash, it is how we all learn. Even the best wakesurfers crash. I have to remind myself that too!

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