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EuroTour Pt. 1 with John Akerman

John Akerman recently took a trip across the pond to visit the team at Phase 5 Europe.

Starting out at John's home of Deerfield Beach, follow along as John makes the trip from his backyard to Vienna, Austria with a couple pit stops along the way. The first spot the crew hits is Alaia Bay in Sion, Switzerland. This wave pool made for the perfect spot to start off the trip as John ripped the pristine barrels that the park can produce on his P5 MVP. After that, the crew packed up and cruised to Lake Geneva which shares a border with Switzerland and France. Tucked in the Alps, this beautiful lake made for the perfect backdrop for John's riding.

Check the video now and stay tuned for part two coming soon! Film & Edit by @thicccbait

1 Response

Irene Akerman

Irene Akerman

July 31, 2023

You are so deserving of this experience overseas after all your dedication and commitment to this sport.

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