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Rider Profile: Parker Payne

If you have been around wakesurfing for more than 3-4 years, you are probably familiar with the name Parker Payne. Parker is one of the most progressive riders on a surf style board. Between being at his parents house in Texas and his place in Orlando, we tracked him down long enough to get an update on what Parker is up to.

P5: So first things first, 2020 was crazy. How are you and the family doing?

PP:  My family and I are doing great. I can't see them as often as I would like with everything going on. Hopefully things will turn around soon.


Kristen and Mark Payne with one of 27 Chickens.

P5:  With Covid-19 a hot topic, The 2020 competition season looked a lot different. Tell us how it was navigating this season with virtual events and some live events? Do you feel the virtual events were based off riding or popularity more?

PP:  Competitions were definitely different this year. Going to an online format was a change of pace. I think that the virtual events were based on both riding and popularity. I'm excited to see if they continue the online format even in a non-covid world.



P5:  For those who follow you on Instagram, it would appear at times you live in at the zoo with all the animals. Can you explain that situation to us?

PP:  HAHA! My parents' house in Texas is an absolute zoo! My mom works at an animal rehabilitation center, so new animals and critters are always rotating through the house. We also have 27 chickens and a peacock named Lemu.

Lemu the Peacock

P5:  What does a day in the life of Parker Payne look like?

PP:   Every day I wake up and cook my own breakfast. After I am done, I try to get a lot of my work-related stuff done like emails, phone calls and social media. Once I am done with my work I like to go for a run and clear my head.  At this point of the day, it is probably around 2 PM so I will try to make my way over to the lake. However, it's starting to get cold, so those days are becoming more and more infrequent. To end my day, I will go hang with a few friends and find some dinner.

Photo by: Jeff Mathis - IG @jeffshotthat

P5:  What are your big plans for the winter?

PP:   I have been working on a lot of secret projects this winter! I can't reveal anything yet but stay tuned!

P5:  What are your thoughts on the young talent in wakesurfing? How are you preparing for the 2021 season?

PP:  They keep getting younger and younger every year. Afton Bank has been one of my favorites to watch! For the 2021 season, I'm working on getting my personal fitness on point and dialing in some new technical tricks.

Afton Bank- Photo By: Stephan Jende IG- @jendephoto

P5:  What are your thoughts on competition riding vs free riding? What are your contest plans for 2021?

PP:  Free riding is my favorite, but every so often it feels good to grind out a competition! I'm hoping to go to a bunch of contest next year and really make a statement.

Photo by: Jeff Mathis - IG @jeffshotthat

P5: Someone asked for 3 of your favorite details about your board, what are your 3 go-to features?

PP:  My board of choice is the Phase 5 Phantom. It is my pro model that I helped design. I would describe it as agile, versatile and engaging! It is my all time favorite board for sure.

Photo by: Jeff Mathis - IG @jeffshotthat

Photo by: Jeff Mathis - IG @jeffshotthat

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