Some of the most common questions we get at Phase 5 are “what wave settings and/or boat” does each rider ride! Well, luckily for you, we took the time to ask each of our pro riders so you can dial in your setup and settings just like your favorite rider! Check it out below!
Jett Lambert
Boat: Mastercraft XT24
Wave Settings: Wave size -5 Ballast -100%
Speed: 11.4 mph
Board: Jett Shreds Key 48”
Favorite Spot to Ride: Lake Minneola, FL
Favorite Trick: Backside 720 shuv
Riding Crew: Sean Silveira and anyone from my Phase Five crew who comes out!
Drew Danielo
Boat:Whoever wants to pull me! But I love the Centurion RI265 and the Nautique G23
Wave Settings:Big and fairly steep.
Speed: 11.4 mph
Board:Phase 5 Hammerhead 50” and Phase 5 Diamond 51”. For surf style, I really like the Fireball with surf fins!
Favorite Spot to Ride: Lake Jackson in Sebring, FL
Favorite Trick:Big Lofty Big spins or 3 shuvs, as high as I can do them!
Riding Crew: Seems to be the entire Phase 5 Crew when I get to ride! Which is great because our team riders are amazing riders and people!
Sean Silveira
Boat:centurion RI 230
Wave Settings:100 percent full 50ctab 75side tab
Speed:11.4 mph
Board: Key 55”
Favorite Spot to Ride: Lake Minneola, FL
Favorite Trick: Ollie North Backside 360
Riding Crew: Jett Lambert & Rob McClelland
Parker Payne
Boat:Malibu 26 LSV
Wave Settings: Full ballast,wedge at level 3
Speed:11.9 mph
Board: Phantom 53” & Matrix Pro 52”
Favorite Spot to Ride: Norris Lake, TN
Favorite Trick: Frontside 360 shuv
Riding Crew:Shout out to my Sliverlake Marina crew!

- Boat:Centurion Ri245
- Wave Settings:All Ballast 100% full besides starboard ram 85%; Center tab at 30%
- Speed:11.4 mph
- Board:Stewart Pro Key 46”
- Favorite Spot to Ride: Lake Allatoona, GA
- Favorite Trick: blind gumby
- Riding Crew:Jett Lambert, Sean Silveira, Whit Shropshire, my boyfriend Bo, my dad
Ashley Inloes
Boat: Supra SL
Wave Settings: Center plate at 20 and side plate at 85!
Speed: 11.1 mph
Board: Mindset 46”
Favorite Spot to Ride: Norris Lake, TN
Favorite Trick: Switch backside big spin
Riding Crew: Graham Hebert, Bailey Dunn, Faith Byram, and Donny Searle!
Stacia Bank
Boat: Malibu M220
Wave Settings: Full ballast with wedge at level 4
Speed: 11.1 mph
Board: Swell 53”
Favorite Spot to Ride: early mornings on Lake Minnetonka, MN
Favorite Trick: I’m having lots of fun riding backside. But an air transfer is always lots of fun. I love the big drop.
Riding Crew: My family is the best riding crew!
John Akerman
Boat: Nautique G23 Paragon
Wave Settings: Wave Shape 8, full ballast + Supplemental.
Speed: 11.8 mph
Board: SKIM 53” MVP, SURF 53” AHI, FOIL 49” GADGET
Favorite Spot to Ride: Lake Butler, FL
Favorite Trick: Indy Backside 3 wave to wave transfer
Riding Crew: Max Smetts, Zach Smetts, Jeff Mathis, Alex Chapin, Brittany Underhill, Kyle Tidey, Gerardo Valencia, Noah Flegal ,Drew Drennan…just to name a few legends!
Bailey Rush
Boat: Supra SL 450
Wave Settings: Full ballast surf side, 5% less on non surf side. Front filled 60% to 80%. If we have a crew of 4 or more, reduce ballast.
Speed: 11.0-11.4 mph
Board: Rush 53” or Key 50”
Favorite Spot to Ride: Gull Lake, Alberta CAN
Riding Crew: Mom, Dad, and Sadie the dog!
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