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Welcome to the Team: Faith Byram

Faith Byram is a young up-and-comer skim style rider from the great state of Texas! Hailing from Keller, TX, just outside of Fort Worth, Faith has made the move to Orlando, FL so she can be more locked in with the rest of the team and can train/ride all year long. We just made her an official part of the Phase 5 team and we’re stoked on what she has planned for 2023. Give her a follow on Instagram at @faith.byram and check out what she had to say about signing with Phase 5 below!

Hometown: Keller, Texas
Instagram: @faith.byram
Years Riding: 4 years
Board of Choice: Key 46”
Current Division: Amateur Women’s Skim

Phase 5: Congrats on joining the Phase 5 team! What about Phase 5 has you the most stoked?!
Faith: This has been my dream since the moment I started taking wake surfing seriously! This brand truly has the best boards on the market. Not only is Phase 5 my favorite brand, but the people I get to work with are amazing too! Just to be a part of the team has me the most stoked!

Phase 5: What are your plans for the 2023 season?
Faith: I really just want to train and progress in my riding abilities as much as I can.

Phase 5: If you’re not out on the boat, what can you be found doing?
Faith: I can be found going to the gym or spending time with friends and family.

Phase 5: What’s your favorite Phase 5 board and why?
Faith: My favorite phase 5 board is the 46” Key because I feel it is the best all around board, having all my favorite qualities mixed into one. For example, the rocker makes the board perfectly adaptable to switch and regular riding. As well as its shape, making it perfect for throwing any kind of trick.

Phase 5: You’re pretty tight with team rider Whitley Stewart, right? Are you two roommates here in Orlando?
Faith: Yes, Whitley is one of my best friends! We are both roommates living in Orlando, we train together and have a bunch of things in common. Moving in together recently happened in January of 2023, but it has been one of my best decisions ever.

Phase 5: Who is your usual riding crew?
Faith: My usual riding crew is Whitley Stewart and Whit Shropshire. As well as, Sean Silviera and Jett Lambert. When I am back home in the state of Texas, I ride with my dad!

Phase 5: What tricks do you have in mind to land in 2023?
Faith: I have a few in mind but I have a backside big spin and 360 shuv-it in the flats at the top of my hit list.

Phase 5: Well, congrats again Faith! We’re stoked to see what you have in store for 2023. Who would you like to thank?
Faith: I would like to thank the whole Phase 5 team! Specifically, I would like to thank Whitley Stewart for encouraging me to move to Florida and give wakesurfing my all! 

2 Responses

Lois Galbraith

Lois Galbraith

April 17, 2023

Congratulations Faith. I’m very excited and proud of you. Looking forward to seeing you progress.
Love great aunt Lois.
Panama City Florida 🌴

Grammy D

Grammy D

April 17, 2023

So proud of our girl. Glad she found something she loves! Passion for something is so important!

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