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THROWBACK | The WWSC Surf Championship with Ryder Duczek

Ryder Duczek’s mother sent us a message recently so we decided to take a stroll down memory lane! Ryder, along with his brother Dagan, were the first Canadians we brought onto team Phase 5, and for good reason. They rip! But early in his career, Ryder showed us that he had what it took to join the team with his winning run at the WWSC Surf Championships in Canada. Check out what his mom, Loree, had to say about the video above! Yeah, Ryder!

“In 2016, Ryder started surfing and he looked up to so many big surfers and learned that Worlds would be in Kelowna in 2017. He sat us down and said ‘next year I am going to win Canadian Nationals and Worlds in surfing and then I’m going to become the youngest Canadian to be riding for Phase 5.’  Paul and I were like ‘okay – that’s a whole big set of goals you have there.’  For the entire year, he told everyone that his goal was to win Nationals, win worlds, and ride for Phase 5. Going into 2018, he became even more focused…and Paul and I started to realize, he was literally not going to stop until he achieved his goal.  Needless to say, he went on to win Nationals (in a ride back then many credit for changing the surf game for the Junior Division – first 720, first shuv, first shuv in/out combo by a Junior), win Worlds and got the call from Phase 5! When asked if he would like to ride for Phase 5, Ryder asked if his brother could ride with him. It’s a pretty cool story…and the rest, as they say, is history!

When we say that being part of the Phase 5 family is something the boys take tremendous pride in, I cannot understate what that means.” – Loree Duczek


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